Unconditional 30 Day Guarantee

All BoxTop products are available prior to purchase in demonstration form, which allows an informed decision to be made about purchases. There is little need for an additional guarantee, but we have one. We stand behind our products on principal.

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the performance of any BoxTop Software product within the first 30 days of purchase, you may receive a full refund of the purchase price, less any costs for shipping if the product was not electronically delivered.

We ask only one thing, that you let us know as best you can tell us why you are unsatisfied, so we can attempt to solve the problem, if possible, immediately, and if not, gain important feedback we can use to improve our software in the future.

This is a request, not a requirement. Our commitment to the quality of software we produce is unwavering, and to be able to continue to improve our products, we need this feedback.

Please contact sales@boxtospoft.com if you are unsatisfied with any purchase for a prompt refund.